
Cast & Crew
For the zip files simply click on them and the download should start - sorry, right click is forbidden.

Kate Beckinsale's Diet Coke Commercial
Size: 1,58MB Length: 0:31min
File Type: ASF
Right click and choose "save file to"


Hugh Jackman (Van Helsing) on
Stephen Sommers' impressive story 1,70MB
the film's size and scope 3,78MB
Kate Beckinsale 5,64MB
Stephen Sommers as a director 4,61MB
doing wire work and stunts 3,76MB
the dark side of these stories 2,71MB

Kate Beckinsale (Anna Valerious) on
Anna's motivation 1,15MB
Hugh Jackman as Van Helsing 2,28MB
Dracula's three Brides 2,22MB
her costumes 2,46MB


Richard Roxburgh (Dracula) on
understanding Dracula 2,36MB
the gothic feel of Prague 2,41MB



Shuler Hensley (Frankenstein's Monster) on
the Monster's physical appearance 2,74MB
the make-up process 4,49MB



David Wenham (Carl) on
the relationship of Van Helsing and Carl
Carl as the film's comic relief


Will Kemp (Velkan Valerious) on
the physical action in the film 2,71MB
Kate Beckinsale 4,31MB



Windows Media Player, Hi-Res
Windows Media Player, Med-Res
Windows Media Player, Lo-Res

QuickTime, Full Screen
QuickTime, Hi-Res
QuickTime, Med-Res
QuickTime, Lo-Res

TV Spot:
Windows Media Player

Featurette 1 - 'A Look Inside':
QuickTime, Hi-Res
QuickTime, Med-Res
QuickTime, Lo-Res
Windows Media Player, Hi-Res
Windows Media Player, Med-Res
Windows Media Player, Lo-Res

Featurette 2 - 'Paying Tribute to the Past':
QuickTime, Hi-Res
QuickTime, Med-Res
QuickTime, Lo-Res
Windows Media Player, Hi-Res
Windows Media Player, Med-Res
Windows Media Player, Lo-Res

9 Clips:
Windows Media Player/Real Player, Various

Just click on the file and the download should start.

Carl introduces weapons to Van Helsing
Size: 4,31MB Length: 0:50min
File Type: WMV


Anna and Velkan trap the Werewolf
Size: ?,??MB Length: ?:??min
File Type: WMV


Anna meets Van Helsing in village
Size: 6,83MB Length: 1:16min
File Type: WMV


Escape from Castle Frankenstein
Size: 4,08MB Length: 0:47min
File Type: WMV


Anna & Dracula dance at the Masquerade Ball
Size: 3,71MB Length: 0:41min
File Type: WMV

Don't be late
Size: 3,78MB Length: 0:41min
File Type: WMV